Alexandra Bones is born.


Hercule Bones is born.



Meredith Bones starts at the kitchen of The Royal Castle.


August Equiniox Flirtatious, Joplin Twinley enters the lodging of Meredith Bones. At first, Meredith Bones get scared, then mad, but in the end, she rewards Joplin Twinley with a kiss for his cheating..

Late Autumn, Joplin Twinley can't knock the beautiful Meredith Bones out of his mind. Intoxicated by his luck last time, he tries to sneak into the castle at night ones more, to see he can bumping uglies with her.

Meredith Bones kisses Joplin Twinley, but refuses to make love with him, but she might chance her mind, if he keep coming back at night.


Midsummer, Meredith Bones buys contraception potion at the pharmacy.

Autumn Euinox, Joseph Twinley makes it a habit to make love to Meredith Bones, every time he goes to the castle.

Christmas, They are not allowed to sell contraception potion at the pharmacy any longer, but Shaun Thoth tells her, he’ll sell her some illegale at The Star at the harbour.


Late Spring, Joseph Twinley says goodbye to Meredith Bones and makes love with her for the last time, before he goes home for the summer semester.

Autumn Equinox, Joseph Twinley finds time to vist Meredith Bones at the castle, and he makes love with her.

Christmas, when Meredithe Bones is buying contraseption potion of Shaun Thoth on as usual, Meredith Bones gets seduced by a sailor, and Meredith Bones makes love with a sailor and gets genital pox from the sailor.


Spring Equinox, Meredith Bones is sneaking in to The Royal Theatre at night, to wish Joseph Twinley good luck with his habeas corpus. They end up making love at Joseph's room.

Missing Joseph Twinley, Finola Milies sneaks in to the room of Joseph and have a pip, when Joseph Twinley and Meredith Bones are making love. Finola Milies have a rage at them, and she immediately breaks up with Joseph Twinley.

Late Spring, after the break-up with Finola Milies, Meredith Bones and Joplin Twinley grows more intimate.

Meredith Bones have her first outbreak of genital pox.

Joplin Twinley and Meredith Bones make love and Joplin gets genital pox from Meredith.

Early Summer, The genital pox is hurting the pussy of Meredith Bones, so she go see Shaun Thoth about it at The Star. He don’t know what it is, but he tries with the baby balsam of Madam Sukri.

Midsummer, Madam Sukri baby balsam works against the genital pox of Meredith Bones, so Shaun Thoth decides to get her some more.


Meredith Bones enjoys getting her pussy tickled by Shuan Thoth with the balsam of Madam Sukri


Shauan Thoth starts making love with Meredith Bonos, when she don’t has a outbreack of genital pox.







Lesley Thoth dies.


Late Autumn, Shaun Thoth believes in the charm and asks Meredith Bones to marry him.

Early Winter, Shaun Thoth marrirs Meredith Bones.


Late Winter, Meredith and Shaun Thoth makes love and Meredith conceives a child.

Late Autunm, Meredith Thoth give birth to Miles Thoth.


Lettie Thoth dies.


Midsummer, Chuck Cronan and Winifried Mayson promises Shaun Thoth, they shall take good care of the perfumery together.

Then, Angus, Somia, Shaun and Meredith Thoth lieves Kingston with their son, Miles, to move to Syretha at Coubles.